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Funding a concert band like the Heisey Wind Ensemble is difficult. The operating expenses of the group include percussion instruments, music, equipment moving expenses, concert promotion, mailings, honorariums, guest artist fees, the cost to print programs and tickets.

Please consider becoming a Heisey Wind Ensemble Patron. You will be supporting one of the best arts organizations in Licking County and demonstrating your interest in promoting the live performance of concert band music to a diverse and growing audience.

If you would like to become a patron, please print out thus page and complete. Then return this form with a check payable to Heisey Wind Ensemble

Or you can donate online here.



City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________



Your name(s) as you wish it to appear in the program.  Memorials are welcome.


___ Concert Sponsor $2,500            ___ Section Sponsor $1,000

___ Sustaining Member $500          ___ Benefactor $250

___ Sponsor $100                             ___ Donor $50

The HWE is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization.

All patrons at the Sponsor level and above receive 2 tickets to each HWE concert.

Donor level receives 1 ticket.


Please return to:
      Doug Moran
      Heisey Wind Ensemble
      2092 Compton Road
      Newark, Oh 43055-9412

Patron List 04.22.23