At the Heisey Wind Ensemble, we believe that music has the power to transform lives and strengthen our community. We’re dedicated to creating beautiful, inspiring performances that resonate with the people of Licking County and beyond. But we can’t do it alone – we need your help.
Your support goes beyond keeping the music alive; it helps us make a difference in our community. When you become a Heisey Wind Ensemble Patron, you:
Join us in making music possible by becoming a Heisey Wind Ensemble Patron. To contribute, simply complete the online form, and choose your preferred method of payment. Your generosity will help us continue our musical journey and strengthen the bonds of our community.
Thank you for your support, and let’s create beautiful music together!
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Season Sponsor
Lou Reese
Concert Sponsor
Mark & Cindy Bradshaw
Section Sponsor
Barbara Cantlin
Diane & Dan DeLawder
Bill & Ruthanne Isenhart
Carl and Sallie Levander
Geraldine D. Marston
In Memory of Paul Thompson
Bruce & Peggy Vanderhoff
John & Sarah Wallace
Sustaining Member
Jerry & Betty Ashcraft
The Auer Family
In Loving Memory of Jean by Ray Bower
Edward Cobb
David & Vivian Dernberger
First Federal Savings
Ann & Dick Fryman
Linda & Bill Habig
In Memory of Grace Huddlestun
Randall & Denise Lamb
Thomas & Wendy Miller
Lew & Jan Mollica
Noble & Kathy Snow
Richard Wertz
In loving Memory of Joe Yee by Sue Yee
Carol Ackerman
Nancy & Jerry Biggs
Rick & Beth Black
John & Debra Blakeslee
Ralph Brandon in Memory of Carolyn Brandon
John & Ruth Cooper
William & Linda Cornell
Phyllis E. DeLooff
Sue & Frank DeVoe
Jim & Nancy Dumbauld
Rebecca Dungan
Lee Ensminger
David & Jayne Floering
In Memory of Noel Franks
Sharon Fuller
In Memory of Wayne & Harriet Claypool
Wes & Laura Gibson Osborn
Diane & Doug Gordon
Jim, Jean & Jenny Graham
Jeff & Helen Hall
Mrs. Patsy Jones
Joe & Irene Kennedy
Dave & Lynne Kishler
Mark & Laura McPeek
Cash & Cheryl Misel
Ann & Tom Mullady
Larry Murdock in memory of Sue Murdock
Fred Pryor
Barbara Ransopher
Judy Riggs
Barry Riley
Scott & Lina Robinson
Paul D. Sanders & Edie L. Norlin
Alice Schlaegel
Debi & Jerry Severson
Jeff & Kelly Shellhammer
In Memory of Edison & Mickey Smith
Bob & Donna Stowe
Bill Thacker
Craig & Susie Thom
Carole Wachtel – In Memory of Zane Wachtel
Tim & Brenda Wallick
Phil Warner
Bill & Jane Wilken
Bill & Connie Acklin
Kaye Alban
Helen Anderson
Sharlene Antritt
Ken & Carol Apacki
Gary & Laura J. Baldwin
Fran Barnes
J.R. & Judith Beall
In Memory of Ann Glaser
Rene Blaha
Rick & Penny Blatti
C. Boesch
Robert & Jackie Bowers
Cherie Boyer, In Memory of John W. Boyer
Trump & Carol Bradley
Bill & Jane Brady In Memory of Rilla Brady Parker
Dave & Michelle Bricker
John & Dorothy Brown
Tim & Marianne Bubb
Jeff & Nancy Buchanan
Artistia Clark
Richard & Judy Clark
David, Jean & Sarah Comer
Susan K. Comer
Dave & Kathy Conway
Kathy & Larry Cope
David & Dixie Coventry
Janet & Donald Cox
Robert & Nancy Coxe
Bob & Alice Coyne
Sonya Crawford
Linda Crothers-Hurst
Bob & Joan Cullen
Steve English
Jim Erickson
Sandra Fabel
John & Joanie Factor
Dagmar Farris
Martin & Carol Flautt
Barbara J. Gage
In Memory of Steve Gall
In Memory of Howard Garrett
John & Gail Grangaard
Nancy Grower in memory of Jim Grower
Frank & Johanna Hall
Russell Harris & Karen Greenwaldt
Bob & Bonnie Harrison
Richard & Linda Henry
Sue Henry-Mounts
Debra Hoagland, in loving memory of Joseph Hoagland
John & Anne Hohmann
Jean Hovland in Memory of Russell Hovland
Sally Howarth
Greg & Kim Huffman
Elizabeth Hullinger
In Memory of George & Martha Hunter
Judith B. Idle
Mary Ingham
Ron & Romona Inskeep
Everett & Ruby Jackson
Beth Jackson
In Memory of Jim Jewett
Peggy E. Jones in Loving Memory of Don G. Jones
Ron & Dee Jones
Lowell Jump
Geoff & Jaye Kaercher
George Kaercher In Memory of Judy Kaercher
Howard & Flo Kemp
Mac & Sheila Kennedy
Bettie & John Kennedy
Jeff & Beverly Kerr
Paul & Cindy Kikeli
Marjorie King
Robert & Cindy Kishler
Bob & Linda Klingensmith
Dale & Sondra Knerr
Margaret Komada
Paul & Kathy Koors
Grandmas Smith and Koors
William & Julie Koppert
Marilyn Krebs in Memory of Jerry Krebs
Jeff & Barbee Lamp
Jim & Maxine Lantz
Tom & Nancy LeBlanc
Kathryn Liddle
Richard & Ann Lighthiser
In loving memory of Dave List by Mary Jo List
Diana Wightman & Linda Roll in Honor of Rose Marie Maddern
Dan Maldovan
John & Wanda Marshall
Weldon & Mary Beth Mathews
Ed & Judy McCament
Tom & Hanne McFadden
Ron & Lynne McLeish
Thomas & Kathy McLeish
John & Linda McLeish
Nan & Robert McNamara
Les & Bonnie Mesler
Don & Barb Miller
Scott & Susan Miller
In Memory of Helen Lytle & John Durst
Beth & Dave Morris
Martin & Sheila Morrison
Randy & Mary Jo Moxley
Carol Mumaw In Memory of John Mumaw
Gary & Kathy Orner
Rebecca Wright Osborne
Stuart & Marcia Parsons
Roger & Nancy Penrod
Jeff & Kathy Preston
Fred & Barbara Pyle
Barbara Gourley Pyle
Susan Reid
Dwight & Lora Reynolds
Tyler & Jennifer Ridella
Rick & Rosie Rieser
Rick & Sue Rintamaa
Christy Rose
In Honor of Dave & Dawn Seymour by Nancy Stider
Patty Shannon & Fred Streams
Rebecca Shaw
J. Shifflette
Dave & Tickie Shull
Barb Shumaker
Sue Ellen Simmons
Tom & Joyce Slater
Richard A. Smith
Steven & Diane Snow
Frank & Dusty Stare
Terry & Larry Stickle
In Memory of Warren Swisher
In Memory of Clay Thacker
Lou Ann Travis
Chuck & Jane Walker
Gary & Vicci Walters
Patrick & Cindy Webb
Charlotte Welch
Sharon & Willard Wheeler
David & Jane Whyde
Jim & Jo Ann Wiblin
Diana Wightman & Linda Roll
Dave & Jane Williams
Herbert Wise
David & Margaret Wolford
Don & Ginny Workman
Gerald Young & Amanda John
Carole Acord
Jean Ashbrook
Chris Bailey
Larry & Shirley Brough
Deborah Cook-Gorsuch
Phyllis C. Courtright
To Honor Denise & Randy Lamb (RCD)
In memory of Albert W. Davison
Jim & Diana Haren
In Memory of George & Martha Hunter
Josephine Koch
Sharon Koppert
Bernadette Lieberth
Linda Mai
Thelma McCurdy
Phyllis J. McNabb
Susie Morris
Billye S. Newton
Linda Prouty (in Memory of Fred Prouty)
Nancy E. Renneckar
Sherry Staggers
Donna Stasel
Jackie Toothman
Rebecca J. Wigal